Tiffany and Mary Kate Troxclair represented the unit at the Department Convention held in Austin Texas July 9-11. Tiffany reported on the Public Relations activities of the state of Texas during the meeting on Saturday. She also was presented with a resolution recognizing her mother as an honorary Past Department President. She was the leading candidate for Department President at the time of her death in June of 1999 and was not officially elected to the position.
Junior Auxiliary member Mary Kate concluded her historical two-year term as Honorary Department Junior President. On Friday morning she accompanied President Brenda Towers in the processional to begin the convention. She then addressed the convention body before returning to run her own convention. She went to the State Capital with the other Juniors in attendance and helped sort donations. On Saturday she worked with her team to build a spaghetti bridge and conducted a business meeting. Sunday she concluded her convention and presided over the election of new officers. The incoming President then named her Treasurer for the coming year.